Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sent from my iPod

I finally learned how to blog from my iPod. Today's discovery is momentus!
As excited as that sounds I have something sort of sad to share... I'm a pansy.
I'm trying to fill out all my stuff for my financial aid for college. I got flagged for verification. Not a huge deal right? Right. Except for the fact that this means so have to re-live all the drama of 2009. Honestly, it's brought me to tears once already with at least 2 more trips to the dreaded office where they question brutally how it is that I could have made it to school. Why aren't you knocked up or in the gutter? How did you make it if it was that bad? Did that really happen to you?
I hate the endless list of questions... it almost makes me wish I hadn't tried to get my education because I feel like I'm being treated like I'm not worth their time or attention.
I won't even say it's whatever this time, I'll tell you that it really is bothering me.

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