So, they're at pretty much every college campus in the country, save the more conservative, private, Christian ones. They're the ones that wanted to take the caste system of high school and continue it in college when the rest of us just wanted to transition into something that more resembled the real world. Worst of all, it's impossible to tell one from the next - they all look the same, bunch of crazy clones.
Aka, the Greeks.
Now, I have friends that are Greeks. And yes, spare me the lecture, I know it's not all supposed to be about drinking and hooking up with your "brothers" and "sisters," and that they're not all the same. But seriously, a lot of them are the same. I just about ran over eight million of them in the parking lot at Towers(my dorm) getting off of a school bus. (It makes me laugh that they use buses.) But here are my main problems with the Greek system:
1) It's totally class-ist. You can't pay, you don't get in, end of story. Lots of college students are fighting tooth and nail just to get through schooling, let alone pay hundreds of dollars a year in fraternity or sorority dues.
2) It's too "high school." There's this whole system of ranking for who's better than who else. Everyone at SEMO knows that Alpha Delta Pi is "on top," Tri-Delta is the "slutty" sorority, Alpha Xi Delta is "old news" and the Tri-Sigmas "didn't get in anywhere else." Gamma Phi Beta is the "nice and smart" sorority, and Alpha Chi Omega...well, I couldn't even remember their name, so that tells you about them, lol.
3) And you don't even want to get into the dynamics of fraternities. It's way worse.
4) I hate meeting someone, and then seeing him or her in a Greek group and not even being able to pick out the person that I met.
5) Even though the lifestyle isn't necessarily about the drinking and sleeping around, I feel like it's accepted and encouraged in those circles. Not cool.
End of rant #2, because, well, I have a headache. New entry soon.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today my best friend tickled me so much I threw up.
<----(That's her she looks all sweet and innocent, but she's a vicious tickler)
Yes, it happened. Some people get tickled so much that they pee themselves, but not me! Oh no, instead I threw up. Not a pleasant experience. However, in all honesty I became significantly more cheery than before the tickling commenced. :) I think a lot of things about tickling....
T is for tickles.
Depending on if you are the recipient or the giver of the tickles, it could also be called TORTURING.
Tickling is never good right after eating.
Tickling is good for cheering up.
I am ticklish and my roommate is not. This is not fair.
Tickling is good excercise.
It is not a good idea to tickle someone on a small space... for example- tickling on a twin size bed is sure to end with someone falling on the floor....or possibly onto the coffee table.
Tickling is a great way to induce an asthma attack.
Tickling with long fingernails is scary.
I think maybe tickling would be a more enjoyable if there were rules....sort of like how there are rules for calling shotgun???
For example:
1. Before starting a tickle fight there should be an exclamation of some kind.... to serve as a warning so that the recipient of the tickles will have a moment to prepare.
2. Tickling should only be done in a large empty space.
3. Tickling must be paused if the recipient can't breathe, but can be resumed as soon as the instigator of the tickling has checked, and is sure that the recipient is recieving the necessary oxygen to survive.
4. Sitting on top of the recipient of the tickles is a personal foul.
5. BITING is not allowed while tickling.
I think five rules is enough.....
So, with these rules in mind, go tickle someone till they pee themselves and let me know how it goes....
Monday, February 15, 2010
In Honor of America's Only Dual Holiday
As far as I know, people in America have a common sentiment about most holidays. Christmas, good, even if you don't celebrate it. Veteran's Day, sad, but proud. Thanksgiving, good for the food. Except for that holiday, either the best or worst of the year depending on your current status....that is, Valentine's Day, or Single Awareness Day.
For as long as I've realized the difference, I've been recognizing Single Awareness Day, being jealous of all the girls who got flowers and chocolate and stuffed animals, and telling myself that I wasn't the kind of girl who needed flowers and chocolate to make me happy. And that's still true - I don't need that. But this year, I did happen to be one of those girls that had a guy show up at the science hall with a dozen red roses on Friday, and who got a heart-shaped box of chocolates and a giant stuffed dog. (I have to say, the flowers and chocolate were really great and thoughtful on his part and all that, but I am really quite excited about the giant red stuffed dog. I love it!) It's a strange experience. But even though I do love my giant dog, I still think that Valentine's Day is pretty overrated. Like, yay, you're in a relationship. I assume you already knew that. It's nice to celebrate it. It's not really nice to throw it in the faces of other people.
On a more random note: During dinner on Sunday night at Ruby Tuesday, some guy in an orange hat waved at me. I thought it was one of my more musically inclined friends, Picar - he has an orange sock cap, about which he has written a song, "Bulletproof Orange Hat" - but it turned out to be the chair of the chemistry department(aka, one of my professors) at SEMO. Awkward...
So, to all who celebrated Single Awareness Day: I'm still with you in spirit. Tell Hallmark to back off a little bit.
For as long as I've realized the difference, I've been recognizing Single Awareness Day, being jealous of all the girls who got flowers and chocolate and stuffed animals, and telling myself that I wasn't the kind of girl who needed flowers and chocolate to make me happy. And that's still true - I don't need that. But this year, I did happen to be one of those girls that had a guy show up at the science hall with a dozen red roses on Friday, and who got a heart-shaped box of chocolates and a giant stuffed dog. (I have to say, the flowers and chocolate were really great and thoughtful on his part and all that, but I am really quite excited about the giant red stuffed dog. I love it!) It's a strange experience. But even though I do love my giant dog, I still think that Valentine's Day is pretty overrated. Like, yay, you're in a relationship. I assume you already knew that. It's nice to celebrate it. It's not really nice to throw it in the faces of other people.
On a more random note: During dinner on Sunday night at Ruby Tuesday, some guy in an orange hat waved at me. I thought it was one of my more musically inclined friends, Picar - he has an orange sock cap, about which he has written a song, "Bulletproof Orange Hat" - but it turned out to be the chair of the chemistry department(aka, one of my professors) at SEMO. Awkward...
So, to all who celebrated Single Awareness Day: I'm still with you in spirit. Tell Hallmark to back off a little bit.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
The Mish-Mash Entry
The anecdotes of my life for the last couple of weeks have not been blog-worthy. It's been all class, work, and sleep. But there are a few things that are worth sharing, just not in an entry by themselves. Thus, the Mish-Mash Entry:
1) Last weekend, Cape Girardeau pretty much had a blizzard. I went out anyway, with my friends Susan and Hannah, Zack(aka I'm-Hannah's-boyfriend-except-not-really-because-I-already-have-a-girlfriend-at-Mizzou-but-I-really-like-you-Hannah), and Adam. The place we chose was completely dead due to said blizzard. Eventually we gave up and went to Denny's. Good times.
2) Thursday night at dinner, it was really crowded in the cafeteria, because it was Premium Night(aka, Towers serves better food than usual). Lori, Justin and I were at a three-person table, until someone realized that we still had two people joining us. Pretty much every large table was full, except for one close to us that had just been vacated by all but one guy. We proceeded to invade the table, with many apologies. We watched the guy go up to the food, get another plate, and sit with someone else at another table on the far side of the cafeteria. Oops.
3) I was tapped on the butt in the dinner line on the same night by some girl's foot. The owner of the foot said hello and asked how I was. Didn't know her. The doppelganger strikes again.
4) I got less than the appropriate amount of sleep on Tuesday night. I am still suffering for it. It's Saturday.
5) My fave song is still Cowboy Casanova by Carrie Underwood, but it has some competition in one of my old loves, New Divide by Linkin Park.
Surely, some truly interesting thing shall happen soon. And I shall write. Until then, peace, love, and Mountain Dew.
1) Last weekend, Cape Girardeau pretty much had a blizzard. I went out anyway, with my friends Susan and Hannah, Zack(aka I'm-Hannah's-boyfriend-except-not-really-because-I-already-have-a-girlfriend-at-Mizzou-but-I-really-like-you-Hannah), and Adam. The place we chose was completely dead due to said blizzard. Eventually we gave up and went to Denny's. Good times.
2) Thursday night at dinner, it was really crowded in the cafeteria, because it was Premium Night(aka, Towers serves better food than usual). Lori, Justin and I were at a three-person table, until someone realized that we still had two people joining us. Pretty much every large table was full, except for one close to us that had just been vacated by all but one guy. We proceeded to invade the table, with many apologies. We watched the guy go up to the food, get another plate, and sit with someone else at another table on the far side of the cafeteria. Oops.
3) I was tapped on the butt in the dinner line on the same night by some girl's foot. The owner of the foot said hello and asked how I was. Didn't know her. The doppelganger strikes again.
4) I got less than the appropriate amount of sleep on Tuesday night. I am still suffering for it. It's Saturday.
5) My fave song is still Cowboy Casanova by Carrie Underwood, but it has some competition in one of my old loves, New Divide by Linkin Park.
Surely, some truly interesting thing shall happen soon. And I shall write. Until then, peace, love, and Mountain Dew.
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